Thursday 31 March 2011

The zombie revolution will be televised

The debut trailer for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is out, it seems Leon will be getting some face time for this entry but as to how much is currently unknown. With the game officially announced last week and the trailer out yesterday Slant Six seems to be making good progress.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Mario: The master of masters

Now any gamer worth his salt has at some point heard of the famous steroid enhanced uppercut: Shoryuken, performed by both Ken and Ryu from the Street Fighter series. Those of you who bothered to shell out a fresh £40 for SUPER Street Fighter IV are likely to have noticed newcomer Gouken, the Mister Miyagi to Ken and Ryu who taught them the legendary move but who pray tell educated the master? Well there's only one man in gaming history that is old and wise enough to bestow such wisdom. Yeah that's right, the chubby Italian midget, Mario.

Image Source:

Friday 25 March 2011

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon

 So it seems all the whispering we've been hearing about a Resident Evil multiplayer are indeed true. Game developers Slant Six who brought you numerous SOCOM titles are currently developing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Details are still scarce yet it is known that you will be returning to the settings of earlier Resident Evil games (yes the title was a big giveaway with that one), in this team based game you'll be introduced to four new members of the Umbrella Corps Security Squad: Vector, Beltway, Bertha, and Spectre.

 As members of UCSS you'll be going up against two other factions: US Spec Ops and Umbrella Bio weapons while you make your way through the city burning evidence and "assisting" survivors. And just to clarify when i say assisting, what i actually mean is luring them into a false sense of security and ventilating them Tarantino style. Umbrella is famous for keeping secrets afterall, a zombie outbreak appears to be just another day at the office.

 At such an early stage of development rumors of release dates are already floating around, some say 2012, others for this Autumn but judging from how long it actually takes to create and release games these days i wouldn't tell you to expect to see it on the shelves any earlier than 2013.

 Keep your eyes on this space for future updates.

Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Well for my first post i've decided to keep it relatively simple with the full length trailer for Final Fantasy XIII Versus. It was originally announced back in 2006 along side Final Fantasy XIII but after years of the concept gathering dust on a piece of paper and then finally being put into motion it still isn't anywhere near release. From watching the spectacular visuals i wouldn't be surprised if it over took Final Fantasy XIII in sales and fandom, lets just hope this isn't another Duke Nukem Forever.